Studying at our school
Academia International School provides an unusual level of flexibility. Where possible we allow students to excel in their strongest subjects and repeat subjects where they may not have met the minimum progression criteria. This means we tend to have mixed-age classes.
In year 9 and 10 we follow the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). Students take between 6 and 10 subjects. In order to progress to A Levels students must pass their IGCSEs with a minimum of a 5/9 or B. Students accessing our programme from other educational systems will need to take entrance assessments before they can enter into our 2-year A Level programme
Extracurriculars and curriculum layering
We supplement our academic programme with a range of exciting non-examined electives such as Art, Coding, Life Skills, Event Management, The Envoys, Student Council and Robotics. In addition, we have launched curriculum layering through the performing arts. In Basel, our history curriculum is now taught through regular weekly lessons which includes a dedicated drama class designed to supplement and deepen historical knowledge in a multi-sensory, creative and fun way.
Assessments, report cards and exams
We carry out regular formative and summative assessments in class. Student performance is then used to inform and adapt classroom instruction. We encourage all students to develop the ability to self- and peer-assess as part of our formative assessment strategy. Teachers also give verbal formative feedback in individual mini conferences.
In addition, teachers give 3 to 4 summative tests per semester and all students sit formal mock examinations in December. Our parent-teacher conferences in January are timed so that results and progress can be discussed with each subject teacher.
Students and parents receive a snapshot mid-semester report after the October holidays where performance, effort and attendance are communicated. Should there be any concerns or additional support required, action can then be taken early in the academic year.
End-of-semester report cards are issued in January and June. Students are awarded two sets of grades: one for academic attainment and the other for effort.
Outside of these regular reporting periods, if we notice anything of concern or something we are particularly impressed with, we will reach out to parents to let them know
Formal examinations (IGCSEs, A/S and A Levels) are held in our main May/June examination session. As we are an accredited examination centre (Cambridge Assessment International Education and Pearson Edexcel) this means our students benefit from sitting their formal exams in a familiar place.
IGCSE and International A Level grading system
IGCSEs are graded from 1 to 9, with 1 being the lowest and 9 the top grade. 5 corresponds to sufficient.
International A Levels are graded from A* to F, with A* being the best grade. An exam is passed with a C or higher.
The following subjects are offered in Basel and Zurich:
Year 9 and 10 (IGCSE)
- English (as a first language)
- English (as a second language)
- French (as a foreign language)
- Geography
- German (as a foreign language)
- History
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Year 11 and 12 (Advanced Level subjects)
- Biology
- Business/Economics
- Chemistry
- English (as a first language)
- French (as a foreign language)
- German (as a foreign language)
- History
- Mathematics
- Physics
For a full list of subjects and electives offered, please consult our range of available subjects in Basel, Zurich and Winterthur.
SEN (Special Educational Needs)
We are equipped to offer a small number of places to students with SEN such as dyslexia or dyspraxia. We have a SEN register and regular inhouse school training as well as access to SEN specialist teachers. For an additional fee, our specialist tutors can work with students who require that service. Please note, we are not equipped to host students with severe needs or behavioural problems.
Entry and progression requirements
Please note that our system has some flexibility, which means as long as timetabling allows students can progress in one class and repeat another. We have a mixture of ages in each year.
Year | Entry requirements | Progression requirements | Comments |
Year 9 |
We will review attendance every 6–8 weeks. |
Year 10 |
Students unable to reach these grades will be counselled on the various options available to them. |
Year 11 |
Students unable to reach these grades will be counselled on the various options available to them. |
Year 12 | We only accept students entering into year 12 if they have completed 11 with the same examination board at a school following the same curriculum. |