Our alumni – success stories
We have an established record with over 10 years of successfully preparing students for IGCSEs and A Levels.
This year 81% of our students sitting IGCSE scored B/5 or above with 34% earning marks of 8+. 96% of our students earned a C grade or higher at A Level with 33% earning A grades.
Our graduating students have followed a variety of paths. Some have gone straight into jobs or apprenticeships here in Switzerland. Others have accessed Universities in Switzerland, the UK or the US.
Our alumni have gone on to study at the following universities:
ETH Zurich, CH
Lausanne School of Hotel Management, CH
University of Basel, CH
University of Bern, CH
University of St Gallen, CH
University of Zurich, CH
Cambridge University, UK
Cardiff University, UK
Durham University, UK
Glasgow University, UK
Hull University, UK
Leeds University, UK
Liverpool University, UK
London Holloway University, UK
London Queen Mary University, UK
Newcastle University, UK
Sheffield University, UK
University of Edinburgh, UK
University of Birmingham, UK
UC Berkley, USA
UC San Diego, USA
University of Kansas, USA
University of Massachusetts, USA
University of West Virginia, USA
University of Amsterdam, NL
University of Freiburg, DE