Upper secondary school: IGCSE – a strong foundation for further educational pathways
Years 9 to 12 form our upper secondary school which consists of two parts. In Years 9 and 10 students study a broad range of subjects culminating in their IGCSE examinations. Students can then continue to attain their International A Levels.
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is the world’s most popular international curriculum for secondary education. Students take exams after their second year (year 10) to receive their IGCSE certifications in each subject (up to 10 subjects). From there on, various paths are open to our students, be it continuing their studies to attain International A Levels, entering a Junior College in the UK or the US or pursuing vocational training in Switzerland.
An IGCSE programme is highly structured with clear schemes of work and direction. This benefits students who may struggle academically and students with neurodiversity. Yet the IGCSE curriculum pushes all students. Top grades demand that students are already demonstrating advanced level knowledge, application skills, and critical thinking.
IGCSEs are a stand-alone academic currency. The equivalent to a High School Diploma, they entitle students to continue with further study in many countries. In Switzerland, IGCSEs are formally recognised and students can enter into a College of Higher Vocational Education and Training (Höhere Fachschule – HF) or undertake an apprenticeship combined with the Berufsmatura, with the advantage of having excellent levels of English.
Both Academia International Schools are centrally located in Basel, Zurich and Winterthur. Should you like to find out more about our programme, please contact us for a consultation or participate in one of our information evenings.
Advantages of IGCSEs
IGCSE’s have several significant advantages over other international programmes in years 9 and 10:
From a dream to a dream job
Alternative schooling options with Academia
Are you looking for more individualised study? Academia Matura offers study programmes tailored to your personal requirements to successfully gain International A Levels. This programme is ideal for students who are looking for a change in direction or already work but want to develop further or for those, who work better in an individualised setting.
In Zurich, young people with a passion for music, sport or dance may find at the Swiss Academy Zurich a suitable school where they can combine their passion with continuing secondary education.